The visual differences between the work in ordinary application mode and in the system service mode

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The visual differences between the work in ordinary application mode and in the system service mode


The RoboTask Service has a green icon in the system tray. The ordinary application has a blue one.

The main window title of RoboTask terminates in the line "(NT Service)". For example: RoboTask 3.5 (NT Service). The tool tip of the green icon also contains the substring "(NT Service)".

RoboTask in application mode has another set of tasks than  RoboTask Service. The tasks for the application mode are in the local folder of the user's profile (by default). The concrete name of the folder depends on the operating system and on the user name. The tasks for the service mode are in the subfolder <RoboTask_Folder>\Tasks (by default "C:\Program Files\RoboTask\Tasks").


You can see and change the path to the task folder in the settings of RoboTask (the menu Options | Settings)


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