RoboTask 7.0 has been released

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RoboTask 7.0 has been released

Post by Oleg »

New version of RoboTask is ready for download. Download and try RoboTask 7.0 now

What's new in RoboTask 7.0 (full features history):
[+] Feature added
[-] Bug fixed

[*] Modified or improved[/i]

RoboTask 7.0

+ New option. Menu Options->Scale. You can change the scale of application
windows from 100% to 200%
+ New portable utility - Network Command. This is a commandline and GUI utility
duplicates "Send Command" action.
+ New action - TXT UTF8 converter. It can convert text in both directions.
+ New plugin Sound Volume. New actions:
  • + Set Volume Level
    + Get VolumeLevel
    + Set Mute Status
    + Get Mute Status
    + Sound Volume Up
    + Sound Volume Down
+ New action in XML Document plugin: Get Single Node
+ New mouse system variables:
  • + MouseLeftBtn - The status of LEFT mouse button
    + MouseMiddleBtn - The status of MIDDLE mouse button
    + MouseRightBtn - The status of RIGHT mouse button
    + MouseX - X-pos of mouse pointer
    + MouseY - Y-pos of mouse pointer

+ New system variable: RandomString. Returns the random string by specified
+ Choice Dialog - new feature. Now you can add item list from some text or
text file.
* Increased the security of parameters of RoboTask. Now RoboTask encodes the
information about internal users and pre-defined connections in system
* Improved SFTP open action. Now you can use your private certificate directly
at login process
* Improved Find Element by Image action. Now the moving the mouse cursor is the
optional operation. Now you can use this action to check the element
existence on the screen.
* Improved Open Dialog action. Now you can select several files.
* Reduced the amount of warnings "Try to start the task again" to 1 per minute.
* Now you can rename the task by pressing F2.
- Fixed a bug Run CommandLine Utility action. Sometimes it missed the end of
output stream (last line).
* Many other small improvements and bug fixes.

RoboTask 6.9

+ New action: Excel Cell Format
+ New action:Excel Save As. Allows to save document with new name or as CSV file
+ New trigger: On High Memory Load
+ New Trigger: On High CPU Load
+ New variables: CPULoad, MemoryLoad
+ New action: Find an Element by Image. Allows to find some element by image
and move the mouse pointer to its position.
+ New options is added into Scheduler triggering event.
Weekly period: allows to choose 1-st, 2-nd, 3-d, 4-th and the last week
Monthly period: allows to select any months of a year.
All weeks and all months are selected by default
+ The File Monitor is improved. The option "Required start" is added.
This option allows you to avoid skipping some changes in the folder.
+ "Email Priority" option is added into these actions:
  • Send email;
    POP3 Mail Loop;
    IMAP Mail Loop;
    Parse Email Message.

* Stop task action. The option to kill the task after some timeout is added.
* Improved SSL FTP synchronization. Added autoreconnect if connection has been
lost for some reason during operation.
* Increased the length of the default step name in the task editor.
* Task editor. It allows to move several steps by using drag-drop function.
- Fixend the bug with using some computer names in "Send Command" action and
built-in network client.
- Fixed bug in "Set Cells" action for some numeric values
* Many other small improvements in GUI and the program engine

RoboTask 6.8

+ New action "Window Get Size and Position"
+ Improved "Wait for File" action. Added waiting options:
  • Wait for Accessibility of the file
    Wait for Appearance of the file

* Error Handling Task - improved the algorithm of starting of error handler .
* Download File action - added user name and password for basic authorization
* Pack Files - added possibility to pack empty folders
* Added possibility to use variables in "pause" parameter in actions:
  • Pause
    Question Dialog
    Show Notification

+ Redesigned the engine of custom dialogs in runtime. Now dialogs are
completely autonomic and don't affect the work of other tasks.
* Improved the algorithm of searching of window elements in
"Mouse Move to an Object" action.
* Improved algorithm of File Monitor triggering event.
- Removed some problems related to importing of the task.
* Many other small improvements in GUI and the program engine

RoboTask 6.7

+ Added Database plugin. Available in trial mode and for business license.
  • New actions:
    + DB Open
    + DB Close
    + DB exec SQL
    + DB loop
    + DB begin transaction
    + DB commit
    + DB rollback

+ Added IMAP Folder list action into Email group.
+ Added Window Elements Loop. It enumerates window elements.
+ Added Wait For Pixels action.
+ Added Pixels Monitor triggering event.
- Fixed some problems POP3 download email action
* Improved Mouse actions. Now it's possible to use variables in coordinates
* Added Read Receipt option into Send Email action
* Added the logging of task status changing.
* Added the property TaskInfoLastStart into built-in ActiveX object.
* Many other small improvements in the program engine

RoboTask 6.6

+ New action Task Status.
+ New action Empty Recycle Bin
+ You can use variables LastErrorCode, LastErrorDescription within within a
task, not only in error handling task.
+ Added system variables:
  • BatteryPower - The percentage of full battery charge remaining;
    BatteryLife - The number of seconds of battery life remaining;
    OnBattery - True - if computer on battery; False - power is online;

+ Added Network Plugin settings into RoboTask Service Manager
+ Added Save button into the task editor window.
+ Added the article about variables into help file
* Changed actions If..Then, ElseIf..Then, While Loop. Now you can use complex
conditions contained several comparisons.
* Modified actions SQL Query and Dataset Loop. Now you can use query with
parameters. This is more comfortable in some cases.
* Now task file supports unicode symbols, so you can save unicode symbols in
the task directly.
* About window now contains installation ID for visualization. User can copy
registration information into the clipboard.
* Many other small improvements and bug fixes.

RoboTask 6.5

+ New trigger "On Resume". Starts the task on resume from sleep or hibernate mode
+ Added "Local running tasks" dialog to search currently running tasks
+ Documentation has been corrected and complemented.
- Fixed a bug with long names in the task tree.
- Fixed bugs at email parsing of some messages in "Email" plugin.
* Improved actions (added new parameters):
  • - Synchronize Folders
    - SSL FTP Synchronization
    - SFTP Synchronization

* improved "On Battery Power is Low" trigger. Added new parameters and fixed the bug.
* Improved "Print document" actions. Added new parameters.
* Improved navigation in main window of RoboTask.
* Improved the engine of "Copy/Move file" action
* Improved "Start task" action. Added new parameter
* Improved the engine of Web Documents plugin
* Many other small improvements and bug-fixes.

RoboTask 6.4

+ New action "Wake on LAN"
+ New actions group: Excel. New actions:
  • + Excel Open Document
    + Excel Get Cells
    + Excel Set Cells
    + Excel Save Document
    + Excel Close

* Improved "Start Task" action. New option - "Required start"
* Other small improvements and bugs corrections.

RoboTask 6.3

+ New actions:
  • + VB Script
    + VB Evaluate

+ New system variable TaskComment
* Improved Copy/Move File action. Now you can rename file at copying. You also can
copy file with new name at same folder.
* Improved XML Loop action. Now you can load XML from a file. This uses the
correct processing of encoded strings in XML
* improved RegExp Replace action. Now you can replace first, last or all
entries of your choice.
- Fixed the bug at Break action. Incorrect exit out of nested loop.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

RoboTask 6.2

+ New action Choice Dialog
+ New action Multichoice Dialog
+ New variables TaskFileByID, TaskLogFileById
+ New plugin "Script tools"
  • New actions:
    + JS Script
    + JS Evaluate

+ New plugin "XML Document"
  • New actions:
    + XML Create Node
    + XML Add Childnode
    + XML Loop
    + XML Save

* Send Email - added TLS into settings of SMTP
* Tray Icon - added context menu. The choice can be passed to a task as parameter.
* Added new properties into RoboTaspApp object.
* Improved the editor of Scheduler trigger.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

RoboTask 6.1

+ New action TXT Comma-Text Conversion
+ New action Check HTTP address. It allows to form HTTP request and analyze headers of response.
+ New action Run Command Line Utility. It allows to save the output test into variable.
+ New variables CommaSeparatedToText & TextToCommaSeparated.
+ New variables UTF8Decode & UTF8Encode
- Fixed problems with unique EventID
* Modified Web Document actions. Now is possible to open embedded web browser in hidden mode.
* Optimized built-in network client.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

RoboTask 6.0

+ New actions
  • - Window Snapshot
    - Window Pixel
    - Screenshot
    - Screen Pixel
    - Color Compliance

+ Added function "Wake the computer to run the task" into scheduler trigger
+ New system variables DateToFormat and FormatToDate
+ Added function "Find a task" into main window
* Added option "Do not start task immediately" to Cyclic trigger
* Modified selection of tasks in task editor (Error Handler) and actions of "Task commands" group
* The action SSL FTP synchronization, added option "Output to log"
- Fixed problem in the list of running tasks when you "kill" the task.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

RoboTask 5.8

+ Added new IMAP actions into Email plugin:
  • IMAP Open
    IMAP Close
    IMAP Select Mail Folder
    IMAP Mail loop
    IMAP Download Message
    IMAP Get Message Flags
    IMAP Set Message Flags
    IMAP Delete Marked Messages
    IMAP Move Message
    IMAP Folder Info

* Added the date filter and sorting options into actions:
FTP File Loop
SSL FTP File Loop
SFTP File Loop
* Improved "Check For Window" action. Added the window class and comparison
* Improved window selection dialog in Window actions.
* Improved MacroRecorder. Fixed some problems at using key combinations.
* Improved Task actions:
  • Added task selection dialog. It is more handy for selection of the task from
    large list of tasks.
    Added "This task" option into actions: Enable Task, Disable Task, Stop Task.
    This allows to select the task without choosing from the list.

RoboTask 5.7

+ Added SFTP (SSH FTP) plugin
  • New actions:
    SFTP Log On
    SFTP LogOff
    SFTP Download
    SFTP Upload
    SFTP Rename File of Folder
    SFTP Delete File
    SFTP Change Folder
    SFTP Create Folder
    SFTP Remove Folder
    SFTP File loop
    SFTP Synchronization
    SFTP File Permissions
    SFTP Command

+ Added context filter in task editor
* Improved syntax checking in task editor
* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.6.1 - 5.6.7

* Optimization of algorithms
- Fixed several bugs
- Fixed several problems in GUI

RoboTask 5.6

+ Unicode support, detected and fixed related bugs
+ New action Window Size and Position
+ New action ElseIf..Then
+ Added choosing of declared local variables in action editor
+ Added internal sorting of the list into actions
File loop;
Search For Files.
You can sort list by name, time, file zize, and the depth of subfolders
+ New action Exit.
* Modified Robotask Service Manager. Added many useful functions
* Modified RoboTaskAPP object. New method DesktopAlert
* Modified Write Text File action. Added encoding of the text (ANSI, UTF-8, Unicode)
+ New variables:
  • MonitorCount

* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.5 beta

+ Unicode support.
* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.4

+ New action "Service Status". It can read sevice status.
+ New action "File Date and Time". It allows to set new date and time to files
and folders.
+ New action: "Web Page Information". It allows to extract HTML code, text
and list of links from page.
+ New action: "Desktop Alert". It shows non-interactive popup messages on the
* Print document action has been improved. Added function to specify target
* The task execution optimized. Speed of action execution has been increased.
* Task editor has been improved:
Task editor adds "End Loop" and "End If" actions automatically if you add
some Loop action or "If..Then" action.
* Macrorecorder has been improved. We added recording of keyboard and expanded
recording settings.
* Start/Stop Service actions has been modified. The drop-down list of services
is available for editing now.
* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.3

+ New actions:
  • + TXT Number of Lines - count number of lines in text
    + TXT Extract Line - extract line by number

+ New variables:
  • + WindowCaption - Returns the title (caption) of specified window handle
    + WindowClass - Returns the class name of specified window handle

* Changed triggering events. Now events can run task with parameters:
  • * File Monitor
    * Window Watcher
    * On Device Change
    * Listener

* Now all actions allow to use other variables in variable names (usage of dynamic name of variable)
* Changed action Create Variable. Now action allows to create global or local variable
* Improved task editor. Added the confirmation of closing of editor if task was changed.
* Changed "Wait for window" action. Added option "Don't wait if..."
* External module with right elevation for registration key.
* Output task amount into system log.
* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.2

* "Wait for window" action: added option "Don't wait if..."
* Network Server: Error message if port is busy
+ Added system variable GetCurrentFolder
* Improved task editor for network tasks. Fixed the bug with "Logon Task" parameter
* "Synchronize folders" action: added parameter "Clear readonly attribute"
* Improved dialogs of actions list and events list. Added the context search.
+ Added possibility of using variables in passwords for actions:
  • - Pack Files
    - Extract files
    - Check for Email
    - Send Email
    - Pop3 Open

+ Added possibility to limit the depth of calculation of variable.
E.g. {VarName} - the variables will be expanded to the whole depth;
{#Varname} - expand only the specified variable without further recursive processing
* Other small improvements and fixes.

RoboTask 5.1

* Improved network client
+ Added SSL FTP plugin
  • New actons:
    + SSL FTP Log On
    + SSL FTP Log Off
    + SSL FTP Download
    + SSL FTP Upload
    + SSL FTP Rename File
    + SSL FTP Delete File
    + SSL FTP Change Folder
    + SSL FTP Create Folder
    + SSL FTP Remove Folder
    + SSL FTP Transfer Type
    + SSL FTP File Loop
    + SSL FTP Synchronization

* FileExists variable can use file mask.
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 5.0

+ Added client-server feature. You can control remote tasks on another
computer or system service through network:
- you can add, edit or remove tasks remotely
- you can start and stop remote tasks
- you can see log of the task and system log of remote Robotask
- you can edit global user variables remotely
- you can set up some of global settings of remote RoboTask
+ Autologon to remote RoboTask at starting
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 4.4

+ Added Regular Expressions Plugin
New actions:
- RegExp Loop
- RegExp Replace
- RegExp Match
+ Added RegExp COM object for using in basic script
+ New triggering event - Expression Monitor
+ Added export/import of global user variables
+ Added the markup of the nested actions with colors in task editor.
+ Improved Web Documents plugin. Added:
- Autologon for password protected sites
- Autodownload parameters
* Added the comments of the task.
* Download file action. Added auto-creation of folder if target folder
doesn't exist.
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 4.3

+ Added option "Run Handler and continue" in error handling settings
of the task.
* Fix problems of filenames in Zip plugin. Updated ZIP engine.
- Removed double-action in Cyclic event when RoboTask is starting
+ Added the raising of error in DB Loop if the action can't connect to
* Made forms of action editors resizable in "Files and Folders" group.
* Added the mode of absolute coordinates into MecroRecorder.
* Resizable window of "Run program" action
+ Marked disabled tasks with gray color
* Added of saving global user variable immediately when variables dialog is
being closed.
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 4.2

+ Added filter of tasks into main window
+ New action "Wait for Process Start"
+ New action "File attributes"
+ New system variable "{FileAttributes(FileName)}"
+ New Action "Shift Keys State"
* Added filter by hours and minutes into "Search for files" and "File loop" actions
* Improved the editor of "Run Program" action
* Modified "Send keystroke" action. Added new parameters
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 4.1

+ New variables:
+ New plugin - Web Documents:
new action - Fill Web Form
new action - Wait for Done
+ Logging of changing of Automation status.
- Fixed the bug when you start task via shortcut or batch file.
- Fixed the bug in Remove Variable action.
- Fixed the bug in Edit Variable with last {EOL} entry.
* Added parameter of error handling task LastErrorTaskName.
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask 4.0

! Important: we have changed program interface of plugins.
! Therefore, old plugins are not compatible with current version of RoboTask.
! If you are using Basic and/or CD/DVD writer you have to download and
! install current version of these plugins again
! (

+ You can pass parameters of the task when you start the task
+ Added full error handling of the task (see Error handling chapter of documentation)
+ Added IPAddress system variable
* Run program action: Added action if exit code is non-zero.
* Set Variable action: added multiline editor of variable value.
* Configuration windows of the following actions are resizable:
* Send Email
* SQL Query
* Dataset Loop
* Start Task
* Create Variable
* Set Variable
- Fixed memory leak at Basic Script
- Fixed some help chapters
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask v.3.5.2

* Fixed some problems of compatibility with Windows Server 2008

RoboTask v.3.5.1

* Fixed some problems while system is shutting down.

RoboTask v.3.5

+ New actions:
Unique File Name
Run Program As User
+ New variable {UniqueFileName()}
* Clipboard Get: retrieving of list of files has been added.
* Added free updates period into About box
* Optimized of working RoboTask as service under Vista/Windows7/2008
* Set default log size to 2048 lines
- Fixed memopry leak in Download Files and Rename Files actions
- Fixed bug in Cyclic trigger.
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask v.3.4

+ Added macro recorder for mouse actions
+ New functions {DiskLoad()}, {TotalDiskSpace()}
* Improved "Window Watcher" trigger and "Wait for Window" action.
Added "Changed caption" parameter
* Added custom character into "STR Trim" action
* Added autocreation of folder into "Write Text File" action
- Fixed bug in the ZIP plugin (when file is not found in archive).
* Other small improvements and fixes

RoboTask v.3.3.1

- Fixed bug related to calculating of folder size with files greater than 2Gb

RoboTask v.3.3

+ Implemented the using of local variables within the task
+ New action - Sort Text
+ Added Suspend and Hibernate modes into "Log Off" action
+ New action - STR Between
+ Added variables Asc and Chr
+ New variable StrLength
* Improved "Write Text File". Added the possibility to suppress trailing
end-of-line symbols
* Improved the "Wait for process", "Terminate process" actions, and
IsProcessExists variable. Optimised work under Vista.
- Fixed bug in very frequent copy/paste operations in Clipboard actions
* Improved Synchronize Folder action. Added the error handling
- Fixed the memory leak at File Loop
* New engine for ZIP plugin. Now it can work with files over 2Gb. Other
small bugs has been fixed
* Added "Current window" option into "Window command" action
* Improved engine of FTP plugin. Added built-in handler of "Operation is
timed out" error.
* Improved the editor of mouse Move action. Added the hiding of action
- Fixed the bug in "Str Replace" action
* Other small improvements and bugfixes.

RoboTask v.3.2.1

* Fixed critical bug at using under Windows 2008
+ Added new system variables:

RoboTask v.3.2

+ Added proxy settings to FTP actions
+ Added proxy settings to "Download file" action
+ Added BCC field to "Send Email" action
+ Added CurrentWindowHandle system variable
+ Added new plugin Strings
New actions:
+ STR Replace
+ STR Trim
+ STR Delete
+ STR Insert
+ STR Extract
+ STR Pos
New system variables:
+ UpperCase
+ LowerCase
- Fixed the leak of handles in "Run program/OpenDocument" action.
- Removed "Access Violation" bug in concurrent tasks with Clipboard actions.
- Removed memory leak in "Copy/Move file" action.
* Removed trailing EOL before value transformation. (increment variable, compare
values as numbers)
* Removed error "No files to zip" from Pack files action
+ Added step numbers in task editor.
* Common improving of the task editor.
* Other small improvements and bugfixes.

RoboTask v.3.1

+ Added the support of SSL into email actions
Check For Email
Send Email
Pop3 Open
+ New action - POP3 Messages Count
+ Added new System variables:
* Improved FTP Download action. Added automatic creation of folder. Added
the parameter "If destination file exists"
* Improved Cyclic event. Increased the stability of working when processor
is highly loaded.
- Fixed bug in Ping action. Earlier it returned "Access denied" error
under restricted user session.
- Fixed bug in "Send Keystrokes" action in send as simple text mode.
* FileName of the task is showing in caption of task editor.
* Other small improvements and bugfixes.

RoboTask v.3.0

+ New appearance
+ Next scheduling time in status string of the task
+ Added "Log on as user" property of the task. Earlier this property always was ON.
+ Added possibility of copying a few steps via Clipboard
+ Added possibility of copying a few tasks via Clipboard
+ New column in task list: Last start
+ Added General log for displaying the activity of a few tasks at a time
- Fixed bug in FTP Synchronize action while uploading files
* Improved documentation
* Added CharSet parameter into Send Email action
* Task's tree now is always sorted
* "Run program" action. Improved default name of step.
* Improved COM Object. Added the following methods and properties (see RoboTask help)
* Fixed bug with Content-Type of attachments in "Send Email" action
* Many other small improvements and bug-fixes of RoboTask engine

RoboTask v.2.6

- Removed uppercase of file names in "FTP Synchronize" action
- Removed duplicated files in "File Loop" action
+ Added system variable for retrieving email address only from full address
(e.g. John Smith <>) into "EMail" plugin
+ Added system variable {DateIncDays()}. Returns the current date + number of
- Fixed bug with using connection string with using of variables in
"Exec SQL" action
- Fixed bug in "FTP File Loop" when specify mask without folder (e.g. '*.*')
+ Added "Wait wor Window" action
+ Added "While loop" action
* Added supporting of Win-key in "Send Keystrokes" action.
* Solved critical problem of stability of using user variables in some actions.
* Other small improvements and bug-fixes

RoboTask v.2.5.1

- Fixed critical bug at using on Windows Vista

RoboTask v.2.5

+ New action "FTP Synchronize". Allows to synchronize files between local
and FTP folders.
+ New action "Terminate process"
* Improved exporting of tasks. RoboTask assign the new filename automatically
if file is already exists.
* Improved the task editor:
- added possibility of changing of window size;
- added possibility of using clipboard for copying of single steps or
whole task. For example: you can copy some step from one task and paste
into another, copy whole task from the list and paste into another branch
of the tree. Also you can paste text of task into any text editor
(e.g. Notepad).
* Added extraction of date from email messages in "Email Loop" and
"Parse Email" actions
* Added determining of "Rows affected" in "SQL Query action.
* Added new kind of message into "Log message" action
* Improved algorithm of "Delete file" action when you delete a few files.
Also, the bug with question dialog has been fixed.
- Fixed bug with using of recursive values in variables.
- Fixed bug with catching GDI resources in Basic plugin.
- Fixed bug in File Loop & File List when it searches folders only.
* Other small improvements and bug-fixes

RoboTask v.2.4

* Improved "LogOn Process" function for NT Service mode
- Fixed bug in "Send Email" action with using variables in TO and CC fields,
which contain a few addresses.
+ New system variable {mSeconds} - current milliseconds
* Optimised unloading of RoboTask.
+ Released documentaton in PDF format.
* Improved help file
+ New actions for email management email automation:
POP3 Open
POP3 Close
POP3 Mail Loop
POP3 Download Email
POP3 Delete Email
Parse Email
+ Added system variables {CapsLockState}, {NumLockState}, {ScrollLockState}.
* Improved FTP File Loop, removed cycling on some FTP servers, added ability
of folders enumeration
+ Add Hot Keys into main window: Ctrl-A select all tasks, Ctrl-D duplicate task
- Fixed bug in "send email" action when you send HTML message with attachments

RoboTask v.2.3

+ New action "Wait for file" to be available.
* Added possibility to enumerate folders into "File loop" action.
* Added possibility to enumerate folders into "Search for files" action.
+ New action "Comment"
+ New actions: "Import registry" and "Export Registry"
- Fixed expanding text bug when complex parameter with nested variables are used.
- Fixed break bug in nested loops.
- Attempt to copy files from empty folder bug has been fixed.
- Fixed schedule bug related with using of last day of each month.
+ New feature: locking task editor by password.
- Fixed bug - drag-and-drop task into folder "Running tasks"
* New icons for mouse actions.
- Fixed bug in window command action, related with locating window by class.
- Fixed bug, related email attachments.
- Fixed bug with using TextFile variable in Copy/Move action
* Many other small improvements and bugfixes.

RoboTask v.2.2

+ New action "Delimited Variable". Converts any delimited string to
normalized comma-separated line.
* File Monitor can monitor a folder structure.
+ New action "Check Dial-Up connection".
- FTP loop bug related with assigning of size and time of file has been fixed.
+ New system macrovariable "IsProcessExists".
+ New system macrovariable "EOL" (end of line).
+ New plugin Network.
New action:
+ Send Command
New event:
+ Listener
- Scheduler bug in the mode "every month" has been fixed.
- Copy files with subfolders bug has been fixed.
* "Download files" action - using of variables at "Save As" now is possible.
- "Export Task" - bug related with assigning of file extension has been fixed.
- Fixed troubles with system log loading.
+ New plugin Mouse.
New actions:
+ Move to object
+ Click
+ Move
* Fixed problems with losing focus in the Input & Question dialogs.
* Send Keystrokes. Shift-keys sticking has been eliminated.
* Extract Files. Variables can be used in the "Destination folder" parameter.
+ New plugin "Registry".
New actions:
+ Add Key
+ Delete Key
+ Rename Key
+ Read Value
+ Write Value
+ Delete Value
+ Rename Value
+ New plugin "ICQ".
New actions:
+ ICQ message
+ ICQ change status
* Send keystokes. Saving of Shift-keys status has been added.
* Delete folder. If you try to delete non-existent folder a warning will be
raised instead of error.
* Start/Stop NT service. New option "Waiting end of operation".
* Many other small improvements and bugfixes.

RoboTask v.2.1

- now it's possible to create nested loops
- action "Dataset Loop": now does not cause memory leaks
- action "Download files": now does not download files from IE cache
- fixed problem with recursive variables
* action "Ping Host": socket error now does not stop a task
+ new option, if an error occurred, a task can continue execution
+ new system variable "IsError" returns TRUE if an action failed
* action "Download File": now correctly downloads URLs with parameters like ... ion=sydney
* action "Download File": downloaded file can be renamed
+ new virtual folder "Running Tasks"
+ the hint of tray icon shows the started task
* event "On Device Changed" can save a device name to a variable
+ new action "Window Loop"
* action "Window command": improved and added some new parameters
- action "Scheduler": now correctly triggers tasks after Suspend mode
- event "File Monitor": fixed problem with saving detected changed to a file
* actions "Add Variable" & "Set Variable": added "Expand Variable Value" option
+ new plug-in "Clipboard" with new actions "Cut","Copy","Paste",
"Clear Clipboard","Get Text", "Put Text"
* event "Window Watcher": improved and added some new options
- action "File Monitor": now does not triggers a task after creating or editing
+ action "Dataset Loop": default login and password can be overrided
+ new system variable "FolderExists"
+ new action "SQL Query"
* action "Send Keystroke" now restore the state of shift keys
+ new action "Increment Variable"
+ new variable "IsFileFree"
* many other small improvements and bugfixes

RoboTask v.2.0.3

* many small improvements and bugfixes

RoboTask v.2.0.1

* many small improvements and bugfixes

RoboTask v.2.0 - First Release
Oleg Yershov