Task - New

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Task - New


Allows you to add a new task. After you select the command, the Add Task dialog box displays, allowing you to select the following tabs to create a task:


Actions tab

Triggers tab

Settings tab

Variables tab

Notes tab


Actions tab




Save and exit

Save the task and close the editor



Close the task editor without saving.



Save the task. Then you can continue editing.


Move Step Up

Select an action in the Action List and click clip0175 to move the action up in the list. This ensures the action runs earlier in the process when the task runs.


Move Step Down

Select an action in the Action List and click clip0177 to move the action down in the list. This ensures the action runs later in the process when the task runs.


Record a macro

In order to record mouse actions "as is" click this button clip0179. Macro recorder catches mouse actions and saves them as a sequence of task actions.


Task name

Enter the name of task



If the check box is cleared, the task is disabled and you must run it manually by double-clicking the task in the RoboTask window.


To change the Active setting, select a task in the RoboTask window and right-click.


Available actions

List of available actions that you can use in the task.


Task steps

Displays a list of the actions you have selected for the task you are creating or modifying.

To add step select the action from available actions and click the add button TaskEditorAddButton. You can also drag the desired action to the list of steps.

Select an action in the task steps and click the configure button TaskEditorConfigureButton to modify the action parameters.

To remove step select the step from task steps and click the remove button TaskEditorRemoveButton. You can also drag the desired step back to action list.


When you start the current task, the actions run in the order in which they appear in this list.

Click the clip0175 & clip0177 buttons to move an action up or down in the order listed.



Triggers tab




Available triggers

List of available triggers that you can attach to the task.


Task triggers

Displays a list of the events you have selected for the task you are creating or modifying. The order in which events appear in the list does not matter.

To add trigger select trigger from available triggers and click add button TaskEditorAddButton.

Select trigger in the task triggers and click the configure button TaskEditorConfigureButton to modify the trigger parameters.

To remove trigger select the step from task triggers and click the remove button TaskEditorRemoveButton.


Run When RoboTask Starts

If this check box is selected, the task will run automatically when RoboTask starts.


Run When RoboTask Quits

If this check box is selected, the task will run automatically when RoboTask quits.



Settings tab




Log Level

Select the status messages you want to record in the log file:


Errors Only

Errors and Warnings

All Messages


If Error Occurred

Here you can define the behavior of a task when an error is raised in any step. You can choose from 3 variants:

Stop Task – the default action. When an error is raised, performance of a task is stopping.

Continue Execution – when an error is raised, performance of a task is going on. In other words – it is ignoring of the error. We recommend to use this mode only if it is really necessary.


Run another task (error handler)

Run the other task if an error is raised. The current task itself is an error handler. See below the describing of the transferred parameters.


Error Handling Task

Choose the task of error handler in a drop-down list. This task will be started up in case of appearance of error. When the task is being started up, the fixed kit of parameters is transferring to it:

LastErrorTaskID – the internal ID of the task, in which an error was raised. It is a formal identifier of the task like a number.

LastErrorTaskName - the name of the task, in which an error was raised.

LastErrorTaskExternalName – an External Name of the task, in which an error was raised.

LastErrorStep – the number of the step (starting from 1), in which an error was raised.

LastErrorCode – code of the error. There is the own kit of codes of errors for any type of actions (see description of actions). By default – 0.

LastErrorDescription – the description of the error. It depends on a type of action. By default, it is the line "General error".


LastErrorCode and LastErrorDescription depend on a type of action. Descriptions of error codes are put into the help of actions (help file)


Disable task after error

Enable this option if you want to disable the task when an error occurs.


Disable task after execution

Enable this option if you want to disable the task after completion anyway in any case.


External Name

You can define an external name by hand. External Name is, per se, an alternative identifier of a task, which can help you to refer to a task (see object RoboTaskApp). RoboTask controls the uniqueness of the External Name and, in case of name clash, resets it to the default value. The default value looks like TaskNNNN, where NNNN – is just an ordinal number.


Do not stop the task when the application is shutting down

RoboTask tries to complete all tasks on exit, if they are running at that moment. But for some tasks it is important that the algorithm is executed completely. In this case, enable this checkbox. When you exit, RoboTask will wait until this task is completed.


Restrict REST API access

If you want the task to become "invisible" to the REST API, then enable this checkbox. In this case, the REST server will ignore requests to this task.


Pause between steps

By default, task steps are executed without pause. But sometimes it is useful to keep some pause between steps. For example, if you use some interactive actions. In this case, you can set the pause in milliseconds


Variables tab




You can declare local variables on the "Local variables" tab of the task editor. There are two ways to declare them:

Enumerate the names of the variables;

Assign initial values to them.

If you enumerate them, just fill the list of names for local variables: one variables per line. For example, like this:






and so on.


To assign an initial value, specify this value after the "=" character. For example, like this


LineCount = 0

FileToUpload = c:\incoming\list.txt

CurrentFile = note.txt




You can assign initial values not to all variables. By default, local variables contain an empty value (an empty string).

By default, the list of local variables is empty. It means that all variables that are used in a task will be processed as global ones when you run the task.

See more information about local variables.


Notes tab



You can write any comment for this task.



note Related Topics

Task - Edit

Task - Delete

Task - Run

Task - Stop

Task - Find the task

Task - Local running task

Task - Export

Task - Import

Task - Copy

Task - Paste

Task - Duplicate

Task - Create Shortcut on Desktop

Task - Create Batch File

Task - Exit