Excel Cell Format

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Excel Cell Format

MS Excel presents given cells according to the cell format. The Default format of data display fits in the most cases. But sometimes it is necessary to change the format forcibly.

For example, a number (an integer or a floating-point number) can be displayed as a number or as a date and time. And both presentation can be correct.

An empty format string corresponds to the default format.

The form for editing of parameters is similar to action editor Excel Get Cells and Excel Set Cells.





Specify the name or the number of a document worksheet. The ordinal number begins from 1.


List of Cells

The list of cells and format strings. The coordinates of every cell can be specified with two ways:

In a style A1, that is an address of a column is written with letters but an address of a row is written with numbers. For example: C3, D5, BD15. The next column after Z is the column AA, etc.

In a style R1C1. After the letter R is the number of a row beginning from 1, after the letter C is the number of a column beginning from 1.

Each cell corresponds to the format string. The format string is a string which can be written explicitly or by using of variables.


How to specify the necessary presentation format.

Unfortunately, a format string depends on international settings of Windows™ and language localization of the MS Office™.

For example, what symbol is used as a decimal delimiter: period or comma. The format of data presentation is also different for different countries.

To specify the string of format of data presentation, you need do the next actions:

Open the document or generate an empty document in Excel.

Set up the necessary format of a cell (right mouse click -> Format Cells…, select Number tab). You can specify the format interactively selecting the predefined format from the list and change its parameters if it is necessary.

Then select the Custom in the list Category. The cursor will point to a current format string in the field Type (see screenshot).



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Excel Get Cells

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