Excel Get Cells

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Excel Get Cells

This action permits to read the values of table cells and write them into variables of RoboTask. This action demand the document to be opened by means of the Excel Open Document




Specify the name or the number of a worksheet of a document. The ordinal number begins from 1.


List of Cells

The list of cells and variables. The coordinates of every cell can be specified with two ways:

In a style A1, that is an address of a column is written with letters but an address of a row is written with numbers. For example: C3, D5, BD15.

The next column after Z is the column AA, AB, etc.

In a style R1C1. After the letter R is the number of a row beginning from 1, after the letter C is the number of a column beginning from 1.

Each cell corresponds to the variable name in which the action saves the cell value. The variable name can be specified in an explicit form or by using of another variables.



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Excel Open Document

Excel Set Cells

Excel Cell Format

Excel Run Macro

Excel Remove Column/Row

Excel Save Document

Excel Save As

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