Read system events to CSV

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Read system events to CSV

The action allows reading the system event log and writing it into a CSV array. The information can be saved to a file or a variable. Each system log entry contains 16 fields. The list of fields and their types are provided below:

Category - integer

CategoryString - string

ComputerName - string

Data – array of integer values

EventCode – integer

EventIdentifier – integer

EventType – integer

InsertionStrings – array of strings

Logfile – string

Message – string

RecordNumber – integer

SourceName – string

TimeGenerated – datetime value

TimeWritten - datetime value

Type – string

User – string


More details about the structure of the system log can be found in the Microsoft documentation:


Note about the datetime type:

The Date-Time value in the log is represented as a string in the format:


YYYY:        4-digit year

MM:        2-digit month

DD:        2-digit day

ZZZZZZ:        6 digits - microseconds

GGG:        deviation of the time zone from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) in minutes.





Log file

The source of the log. There are 3 options to choose from:


Security – note that administrator privileges are required to read this log. Otherwise, you will get an empty list.



Additional conditions

You can use additional conditions. Conditions must be in the format of SQL query conditions. All log fields can be used in the condition. You can also use RoboTask variables in the condition.

For example:

(SourceName like "RoboTask%") and

(TimeGenerated > "{DateTimeToFormat({DateIncDays(-7)},yyyymmdd)}000000.000000-000")

Events related to RoboTask for the last 7 days.



EventCode = 4004 and

(TimeGenerated > "{DateTimeToFormat({DateIncDays(-40)},yyyymmdd)}000000.000000-000")

Events with code 4004 for the last 40 days.


When using a field of type datetime in the condition, you must adhere to the string format. For example, as indicated in the provided examples.

Conditions can be as complex as needed. The main thing is to adhere to the SQL syntax. Failure to comply with the syntax will result in an "Invalid query" error.





Save to variable

Turn this switch on and specify the variable name to save the CSV text.


Save to file

Turn this switch on and specify the file name to save the CSV text. Also, specify the text encoding if needed.

Note that UTF-8 is a universal format for any language.





Specify the format of the CSV data: delimiter, quote character.

Note that if the "Strict delimiter" switch is not enabled, spaces are also considered delimiters. And all fields containing spaces must be enclosed in quotes.


Reset to standard format

Sets the standard parameters:

Delimiter: Comma (,)

Quotes: Double quotes (")

Non-strict delimiter (spaces are also considered delimiters)


Reset to Excel format

Sets the parameters used by MS Excel by default:

Delimiter: Semicolon (;)

Quotes: Double quotes (")

Strict delimiter.



note Related Topics

CSV Open Data

CSV Get Data Information

CSV Add Column

CSV Remove Column

CSV Sort by Column

CSV Move Column

CSV Read Cells

CSV Write Cells

CSV Merge Data

CSV Filter Data

CSV Data Loop

CSV Remove Duplicates

CSV Save Data

SQL Query to CSV File

Read system events to CSV

Load process info to CSV


Note: This feature is available for Business license only